The Disciplinary Pet Safe Cosmetics , developed in collaboration with the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences of the Alma Mater Studiorum of ‘ University of Bologna , aims to promote and enhance business conduct that provides a degree of safety of cosmetic products for animals comparable to what is claimed for man. In the context of the increased consideration for the well-being of animals, the production and marketing of cosmetic products for animals is taking the center stage of a market growing in terms of volume and product of diversification.

Despite the increasing importance of cosmetics for animals, there isn’t any specific legislation for the regulation of such products, in contrast to the fields of pharmacy and medical devices for humans.

The existant law, therefore, is aimed at protecting the buyer and can hardly constitute a valid instrument for the protection of animal health or be a strong deterrent against the use of harmful products. Futhermore, the details of Directive 2011/83/UE, leave much space for misinterpretation.

Latest topic but not least: the awareness of the use and dignity. In the case of cosmetic products for human use, the buyer is often the ultimate user, therefore the choice of the product and its use come out of the same will and awareness. The use of cosmetics, in addition to serving an hygienic function, plays an important role for users within their social life, especially when it comes to the use of make-up. In the case of animals, the cosmetic product is, naturally, chosen by the animal’s owner, but  it is important to remember that in addition to having different sensitivities, animals also have different sensory perceptions, especially when it comes to odors.


What laws do regulate cosmetic products for animals? What problems can cause inadequate, non-controlled, non- validated products? Also regulate cosmetic products for animals? Is it legal to use ingredients of “technical grade”?


Safe Pet Cosmetics® Program is a voluntary protocol that includes those companies that are committed to protecting the health and dignity of the animal, applying the same rules that govern the human cosmetics and striving to spread the culture of protection of the animal.


The cosmetic product is manufactured at facilities that apply the same quality standards required from cosmetics to humans, and all the products are placed on the market after having undergone all the controls provided for human cosmetics.